Lot n° 26
Estimation :
250 - 300
Result without fees
: 280EUR
Bull Running Explained. Bullfighting Manual for the use of racing fans, some considerations about Spanish Bullfighting, compared to other shows, games and fights. A precise History of Bull Races - A Biographical Gallery of the most distinguished Bullfighters - A complete Vocabulary of the technical expressions used in Bull Races - A note on the most famous Ganaderias and the main circuses of the Peninsula. The most complete book on the subject. Illustrated with lithographs representing the most classic passes in fighting. Bayonne, M. Andréossy and Mme Ve Lamaignère, 1854. 2 volumes in one volume in-8, half blue-night XIX°, spine with 5 nerves decorated with gilt boxes. XI - 140 pp. // 148 pp., 4 pl. original edition, illustrated with 4 off-text bullfighting lithographs. Large copy with fresh margins. Pertus p. 377; Palau 198943; Knitter 38. Joint : BEURLIER (Abbé E.). The Bull Races of the Greeks and the Romans. Extract from the memoirs of the National Society of Antique Dealers of France, t. XLVIII. Paris, without publisher, 1888. Small brochure in-8° (28 pp.), yellow cover printed in black. Second edition of this extract, published one year after the first in a smaller format, uncut work printed on a beautiful laid paper. Rare. Pertus p.71. Seal: VIDAL (Jules). The Bull Races in Spain, in the South of France and in Paris. Anecdotal history of the plaza and rules of bullfighting - With explanatory drawings and appreciation of the French authors. Paris, L. Sauvaitre, 1889. Petite plaquette in-12 (62 pp., 1f.), paperback, red and yellow cover illustrated with a bullfighting engraving, second plate detached. First edition and first book of the author devoted to bullfighting. Pertus 504. Seal: Bullfights at Schaerbeek-lez-Brussels. Brussels, Printing of N.J. Slingeneyer, 1853. Small brochure in-8 (7 ff.), green cover printed in black and illustrated with a
bullfighting engraving.
Rare plate about bullfighting in Brussels, illustrated with engravings by Duverger. Pertus p. 143.
TAUROMACHIES: Collection René Cluzel
Jacques Benelli
Tel. : +33 (0) 6 07 46 56 40
Tuesday 3rd November from 11am to 6pm
Wednesday 4th November from 11am to 12pm
Telephone during the exhibition
Contact :
7 rue de Provence 75009 PARIS
Email contact@yannlemouel.com
> Curator Priseur
Maître Yann le Mouel
& Associés
n°2002 - 265 du 20.06.02
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