Berndt Jerry Insight & Beautiful America. Steidl, 2009-2018. - Lot 18

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Berndt Jerry Insight & Beautiful America. Steidl, 2009-2018. - Lot 18
Berndt Jerry Insight & Beautiful America. Steidl, 2009-2018. 2 livres neufs sous film plastique d'origine : Insight (2009). Over a four decade career Jerry Berndt has created a remarkable body of work which straddles the usual divide between spontaneous documentary photography and conceptual artworks. He works with single images, sequences and series, almost exclusively in black-and-white. Berndt first achieved public acclaim with his work Combat Zone (1967–1970), which documented life in Boston’s red-light district. In Nite Works at the beginning of the 1970s, Berndt set commercial iconography of the day-to-day world against the psychology of nocturnal moods in a series of night views of American and European cities. With his series on the anti-Vietnam War movement and on homelessness in America in the early 1980s, he put his finger on the unsolved conflicts of his country. This book focuses on Berndt’s work from the 1960s to the 1980s. Beautiful America (2018). Jerry Berndt documented the period between 1968 and 1980 in America like no other photographer. Personally involved in the anti-Vietnam War activities of the 1960s, Berndt’s work combines photojournalism with documentary, conceptual and street photography to create a unique view of America’s social constitution during these decisive years. Berndt consistently placed himself near political conflict, systematically portraying the spectrum of America’s people and cityscapes, including the middle and working classes, as well as the inhabitants of America’s often ignored ghettos. In the early 1970s, Berndt withd rew from political protest and worked for newspapers, imbuing his pictures with a timelessness beyond current events. His work from this period shows how Americans expressed themselves culturally and socially (in beauty pageants, car showrooms, fashion shows and on the street), while also exposing the foundation of America’s changeable urban infrastructure (offices, bars, arterial highways, billboards and parking lots). This book visualizes an important, uneasy period of transition in American’s recent history, and highlights the literal and ironic aspects of its “beauty.” Steidl
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